By this time, are you still sticking to your resolution? Three weeks into January, and joining that gym with a 24-month contract seems pretty daunting. Kale might be green and leafy, but when you break it down to the whole grains and tomato puree, pizza should be considered a health food, don't you think? Sure, you could try to exercise more or say no to cake, but what better way to begin another revolution around the sun than planning your next big adventure. Our New Year's resolution? Ride more.

If you're just getting into the sport of motorcycles and not sure where to begin, don’t fret. Living in Central Louisiana means a day in the bayou or a trip to the beach is only a matter of hours on your Harley-Davidson – if that. Winding roads surrounded by piney woods or bridges stretching for miles across swampland are iconic for the area. And luckily, Mother Nature tends to keep it nice and toasty in the South all year long, meaning you can log more miles than ever before.

Fair weather and a full tank of gas are the perfect conditions for hitting the road, but if the skies ahead look a little gray, that’s where the Functional Extreme Riding Gear (FXRG) Collection comes in. Pieces like the Perforated Slim Fit Jacket, Rain Jacket, and even Base Layer Pants & Tee are designed to keep you prepared for the elements. Wet or dry, hot or cold; your ride doesn’t depend on what’s happening outside.

Make sure that if you’re covered head to toe, your motorcycle is prepped and ready to go. Taboo Harley-Davidson’s Authorized Service Department offers same-day services like an oil or tire change. Looking to prepare for the long haul? Maybe it's time to replace your brakes and take care of that fluid leak you've been ignoring! Check out our specials to see when full services are offered for less.

So you've got the gear and your bike is ready to head out. Still need a destination? Check out these suggestions on the coast of Louisiana. We'll see you on the road!